How can we transfer a coach's drills, practice plans, or systems to the association?
There are three ways to transfer content from a coach's account to the association director's account.
Option #1 - Request a change of ownership of the coach's content
Cons: The downside of this method is that the content is moved, there is not a copy saved in the coach's account.
Option #2 - Use the "Copy and Share URL" tool
The coach should make a list of these URLs and send to the person who is in charge of the director account. The director of the association account can then use the "Save to My Library" button on the shared page to save a copy into the association account.
Once it is in the account you can use the "Share with Association" button to post the content to the association library so all the coaches have access.
Pros: The coaches retain the original content in their own account, unlike option #1.
Cons: It takes longer that option #1 and requires more work from the coach and director.
Options #3 - Use the "Share with Association" tool
After the director has saved a copy to their account they can then have full access to edit and categorize into the custom folders or assign categories for the entire association.
TIP: If you make edits and categorize the content you received from another coach you can then share to the association library. If you do this make sure remove the coach's original content from the association library by clicking the ""Remove from Association" button.