How to Add Content to Your Folders

Once you have created folders in your account you can start to add content to them. You are able to add content from IHS and its contributors or your own content. It is a great way to organize content based on your needs as a coach. You can watch a quick demo video or follow the steps below.

There are two easy ways to add content. The first method is to visit any piece of content and click the “Folders” button near the top of the page.

When you do this a popup will appear with your folders listed. Simply click the “Add” button to add the content you are viewing to the folder.

The second way to do this is by going to your library page. For example if we want to add a drill from our own library then we can click the “My Content” tab and choose “Drill Library”. We can then click the “Folders” button next to the drill we want to add. The same popup window will appear so we can choose the folders we want to place that drill into.

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